こどもハロウィンウォーク2017 〜はじめてのTrick or Treating〜 in北海道

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こどもハロウィンウォーク2017 〜はじめてのTrick or Treating〜

Kids Halloween Walk 2017 ~My first Trick or Treating!~

2017/10/14(Sat) 14:00~2017/10/14(Sat) 15:30

Doors:2017/10/14(Sat) 13:30~


  • こどもハロウィンウォーク2017 〜はじめてのTrick or Treating〜 イベント画像1

  • こどもハロウィンウォーク2017 〜はじめてのTrick or Treating〜 イベント画像2

  • こどもハロウィンウォーク2017 〜はじめてのTrick or Treating〜 イベント画像3

*** Please scroll down for English version ***

〜はじめてのTrick or Treating

親子で参加できるハロウィンウォークです。ハロウィンの仮装をした子どもたちが「Trick or Treat!」の合言葉をマスターして、会場近隣の協力店舗にお菓子集めの旅に出かけます。

イベントの最後には、古い石造りでまるで古城のような「札幌市資料館」を訪れます。資料館を背景に仮装したお子様を撮影すると、ハロウィンの雰囲気満載の写真に! 撮影した写真は、10月末が本番のハロウィンカードづくりにもご利用いただけます。


日程:2017年10月14日(土) 14:00 - 16:00
地下鉄東西線「西18丁目」駅 5番出口より東へ徒歩5分
JRバス 啓明線[51]または桑園円山線[11]「医大病院前」下車 東へ徒歩3分


ハロウィンって何のお祭り? どうすればお菓子をもらえるの? といった基礎知識を、外国人講師から簡単な英語で教えてもらいます。「Trick or Treat!」もしっかり練習するよ。
Trick or Treating
各自用意してきた仮装をして、会場の近くのお店に突撃! 元気よく「Trick or Treat」って言えるかな? お子様10人前後のグループに分かれてスタッフが引率します。保護者の方は写真撮影のチャンスです。
Break Time
会場に戻って、集めたお菓子を食べちゃおう! 会場には飲み物もご用意しています。
Photo Session
おなかがいっぱいになったら、近くの札幌市資料館にお出かけして、中庭で遊ぼう! 洋風の資料館は雰囲気満載で写真撮影にもピッタリです。




Kids Halloween Walk 2017
- Let's dress up in your best Halloween costume ever! -

Come and join us at “Halloween Walking for Kids & Parents!”. Meetup with families from Japan and different countries in a fun and friendly atmosphere. You can enjoy the opportunity to have cultural exchanges. Let's dress up in your best Halloween costume ever!

Date: Oct. 14 (Sat.), 2017, 14:00 - 15:30 
Place: OdoriNishi Hall (Nijyo Elementary School complex Bld., MAP, Venue Photos)
291-98 Nishi 15chome, Minami 2jyo, Sappporoshi (札幌市中央区南2条西15丁目291-98)
5 minutes-walk from exit #5 of “Nishi 18 chome (西18丁目)” station of subway Tozai Line
2 minutes-walk from “Nishi 15 chome (西15丁目)” station of Streetcar
3 minutes-walk from “Sapporo idai mae (札幌医大前)” bus stop of JR Hokkaido Bus
Eligibility: Children from 3 to 8 years old with their parents
Nursery Services: Not Available
Minimum number of participants: 7 families

The SHIRYOKAN building has a beautiful backyard. You may enjoy the autumn color of leaves in October.

<< Activities >>
Let’s learn about the Halloween 
Are you a Halloween beginner? No problem. We’ll teach you how to proceed “Trick or Treating” effectively. What is Halloween? How to get candy? We’ll learn basic knowledge about Halloween in easy English.
Go out for Trick or Treating
Set your Halloween costume on, and go out to get favorite treats! Can you cheerfully say “Trick or Treat!”? It’ll be a good chance to take pictures/movies for parents.
Break Time
Back to the venue and enjoy eating collected treats. Let us serve you some drink :)
Photo Session
Move to the SHIRYOKAN and you can take pictures in the courtyard . (*Please refrain from taking pictures inside the building.)

<< Costume Guidelines >>
*Adults take second place to children in this event. Costumes such have inappropriate elements like listed below are strictly prohibited.
Include any kind of weapons. (Guns, firearms, blunt instruments, swords, arrows, etc.)
Include excessively grotesque or obscene elements.
Our staff holds the authority to refuse your participation in the event when he/she judge your costume or behavior is not appropriate to the event by any reason.

<< Notices >>
* Children must dress up in Halloween costume. Please follow our costume guidelines.
* Children must be accompanied by parent(s). We don’t accept a child or an adult participant only.
* We will contact to the registered e-mail address in case cancellation due to bad weather. Please inform us the address that can receive e-mail from PC. We will inform you about the cancellation on our web page and SNS also.
* The venue opens 30 minutes before the event and can be used as a changeable space until the event starts.
* We take care to select snacks and ingredients for the event to prevent food allergies, but it is difficult to consider all individual situations of participants. Parents must have responsibilities to decide which snacks are good to eat or not for their children.
* We’ll make about 500m round trip course for Halloween Walk. You can use strollers to accomplish the walk if you need.
* Please visit the venue by public transport, if possible. Please use the neighboring coin parking when the parking lot of the venue is full.
* Parents can photograph their children freely within the premises (please refrain from shooting in the hall). Those shot by staff will be provided a free download to everyone at a later date. The stuff taken by the staff may be posted on our website, SNS, advertisement, etc.
* You can take photos and videos during the event freely except inside the SHIRYOKAN. Our staff may also take photos and videos, and we may place them on our website, SNS, advertisement, and so on later.
* We don’t disclose your personal information to the third party without your permission.
* We can not respond to refund due to the customers' personal preferences. However, we will refund the entire amount of money in case the event will be canceled completely due to our preferences or bad weather.
* Resale and transfer of tickets is strictly prohibited.
* Menu and activities may change without prior notice.

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Ticket Information




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Ticketing Terms & Conditions



★ Please purchase tickets for the number of children participating in Halloween walk.

* Rates include sweets delivered at trick or treating and drinks offered at the venue.


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